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Mai 2024 

As one of the authors, Combiteq is proud to present together with Nexans, at this year’s ISOPE 2024 in Rhodos, a paper that describes a mechanical test rig, which is built to determine the structural and material damping in axially tensioned subsea power cables and umbilicals, during both high frequency oscillations and low frequency wave frequencies. Download the paper list : here


December 2023

Despite the high load and great challenges, 2023 has become a successful year due to the effort of many people adding their extra attention to find solutions. Many thanks to all of you involved. Now enjoy the Christmas holydays and a happy new year!


April 2023

A test rig has newly been designed and built with the possibility to combine oscillating axial compression and bending. Nexans and Combiteq have also written a paper, which covers this rig under the name  “A Presentation of a Novel Test Rig for Simulating Combined Axial Compression and Bending of Subsea Power Cables and Umbilicals During Installation”. We are proud to announce that this paper has been accepted and will be presented at the 33rd International Ocean and Polar Engineering (ISOPE) Conference in Ottawa, Canada, June 19–23, 2023, co-hosted by the Canadian Association of Petroleum and Producers (CAPP).


December 2022

2022 has been a year full of changes and a massive load off activities. The outlook for the new year is positive and many of the great projects started in 2022 will continue to run through 2023. Many thanks to all of those involved. Special thanks to Espen Berger for this years picture. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


April 2022

In 2018, Nexans and Combiteq started a journey to find an alternative method to accurately measure the minimum bending radius of locked Bend Restrictor Elements. Today, 4 years later, a publication of this topic is accepted and will be presented on ASME 2022 OMAE® 41st International Conference on Ocean, Offshore & Arctic Engineering in Hamburg (June 5 – June 10, 2022). For more information : ASME 2022 OMAE


December 2021

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year !

2021 rocked the world. Again, a challenging year, where digital bounding, compassion and resilience have been a vital part of our days. Now, with lights at the horizon and the same positive mind set, 2022 has all ingredients to show us an upward trend.


Oktober 2021

New Agreement

Combiteq is excited to announce that an agreement is signed with PDS Consult to supply Eramet / TiZir Titanium and Iron AS in Tyssedal with a Project Planning and Coordination services.


June 2021

Picture: Statnett

NSL Finished laid

The world longest subsea electricity link between Blyth in Northumberland to the Norwegian village of Kvilldal is now laid and due to become operational on 1st October. National Grid’s North Sea Link NSL will be the longest subsea electricity cable in the world (720km), with a capacity of approx. 1400 MW.


June 2021

Nexans Norway AS and Combiteq AS designed and build a Novel Sensor Technology for Identifying Bending Stiffness on Subsea Power Cables’ and Umbilicals’ by use of Curvature Measurement. As one of the authors of a paper covering this sensor based on Fibre Bragg Grating technology, we are proud that the International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers, has chosen this paper to be presented at the ISOPE 2021 Rhodes, Online/Virtual Conference, June 20-25, 2021.

Read her:Click


April 2021

NordLink in operation

NordLink partners Statnett, TenneT and KfW have formally taken over the subsea interconnector between Norway and Germany. The takeover from the suppliers took place 31.03.2021 and marks that NordLink is no longer a construction project, but in ordinary commercial operation.

Read her: Click


December 2020

With 2020 coming to an end, we like to thank all involved in this year’s activities and all around us. A year full of challenges and changes in all of our lives. With enormous efforts delivered by many great people across the globe, finally the future starts to shine again. Keep save and let’s make 2021 a rising year.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year ! 


September 2020

An anniversary for all involved in the Nordlink power cable project. Statnett informs that the Nordlink cable between Norway and Germany is now complete. The testing is underway, and will continue until the beginning of 2021.On Wednesday, the first current went through the cable. Electricity was transferred with a capacity of 70 MW from Norway to Germany, and a corresponding capacity was returned.

Read her:Click


March 2020

NorthConnect cable on hold

NorthConnect is a planned electricity connection between Scotland and Norway, and was scheduled to have a capacity of 1,400 megawatts, which means that it can carry a maximum of 12.2 terawatt hours of electricity between the countries annually.The Ministry has informed the developer NorthConnect that there is insufficient basis for making a decision in the licensing case.

Read her:Click


Dec 2019,

We want to thank all of you involved in last years efforts and wish you Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year !


Dec 2018,

Never before, are so many projects successfully finished and new R&D accomplishments achieved. This makes 2018 as an outstanding year in every aspect. This was not possible without an everlasting effort of all involved and a very good cooperation with our clients. Now it's time to gear down for the moment and enjoy the Christmas time with those who stand us near. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year !


April 2018,

We are proud to be part of the Nexans - (NSL), North Sea Link Cable Project. A 1400 mW interconnector between the UK and Norway, connecting the British and Nordic markets. The world's longest subsea interconnector is planned to be in operation in 2021.


May 2017


Since 2015, Combiteq and Nexans designed and build a bending stiffness rig for identification of subsea cables’ and umbilicals’ sensitivity to temperature under sinusoidal curvature oscillations.

As one of the authors of a paper covering this rig, we are proud that the International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers, has chosen this paper to be presented at the ISOPE-2017 conference, San Fransisco, June 25-30 2017.

Downloadthe program (p.36 )


December 2016

June 2016,

At the end of may, Combiteq has in cooperation with Nexans Norway AS, succesfully developed a new test rig and measurement system to accurately identify bendstiffness values of sub-marine high voltage cables and (hybride) subsea cables.


February 2016,

Just started in the new year, combiteq has carried out the first phase of new upgrades and modifications to mechanical test rigs and carried out calibrations on various accurate measurement systems.


December 2015,

2015 has been a year with a range of succesfully completed projects and programs. It has also shown oss, that change, adapt and new thinking are key components to pave new paths.  Continuing this, with focus and determination will be a good basis for 2016. We want to thank all of you involved,  for your efforts and wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Special thanks  to Tobias Karlsson for his picture, used in this years banner.


December 2014

Looking back on another great year, where numerous projects have been completed and new challenges have been tackled. Many thanks to all of you involved. Well established at our new business location and with great optimism we’re looking forward to start the New Year.

Meanwhile, a happy Christmas time and best wishes for 2015!


July 2014


Our new visitor address is: Busterudkleiva 54 (2nd floor), 1782 Halden

Busterudkleiva 54

show map : CLICK


Dec 2012


May 2012

This year Holmenkollstafetten startet the 12th of may. 2794 teams, 15 stages and a total length of approx. 18km. A team with many new members with a fantastic spirit and commitment has resultet in a unforgettable day. As part of the Nexans team, Combiteq wants to thank all participants of this years team, and support group.


Dec 2011

Combiteq wants to thank everyone who contributed to the success of 2011. Many projects are completed, New research areas are created, and new test rigs and measurement techniques are developed. Exciting opportunities for the future, passion, positivity and the same efforts of all, will give 2012 a bright start point. A wonderful Christmas and a happy 2012 !


May 2011

Again, Combiteq has taken part in 'Holmenkollstafetten' in Oslo. This years run started on the 14th of may. A 15 stages run,with a totall length of 18355m and over 2300 teams involved.

As part of the Nexans teams, Combiteq wants to thank the participants for their fanastic effort and dedication.


December 2010

Combiteq wants to thank all who made it possible to successfully carry out numerous of projects in the past year.

With the same motivation, enthusiasm and efforts of all involved in the future projects, 2011 will have some of the most important basic elements it needs to grow to be another successful year.

For now, enjoy the Christmas time and the best wishes for 2011!


September / Oktober 2010

Fiber Bragg Grating Measurements

Combiteq has succesfully started with new R&D projects included fiber bragg grating measurements. With ideal properties like low optical transmission losses and high optical linearity this measurement method can identify physical quantities like temperature and elongation over long distances.


Aug 2010.

Combiteq has moved !!

All our customers are welcome at the 4th floor (same address, other entrance).

visitor address is: Os Alle 9, 1777 Halden, Norway (scanpower floor & entrance)

Postal address: P.O. Box 112, 1751 Halden, Norway

See Help -> Contact for map.


July 2010, Cable Testing

For several years, Combiteq has carried out major parts of various rigs. including design, control and execution activities. These rigs are designed to test cables and accessories to their limits and as close as possible to real circumstances. One of the latest designs and challenges has been the impact rig with high speed measurements. Designed to simulate trawl impact on cables. More information available in :

Technical week magazine of Norway nr 19/27 may 2010 and TU energy article


May 2010


Combiteq has taken part in this years Holmenkollstafetten in Oslo. A 15 stages run, on the 8th of may, with a totall length of appr. 17900m and over 1900 teams involved.

As a part of the Nexans teams, Combiteq wants to thank all participants of both teams for their fanastic effort and dedication.


February 2010

Test and Measurement.

Continuous effort and successfully applied solutions have resulted in an increase of projects within the subsea industry. Challenging projects, specifically within the test environment, engineering and high speed measurements.


June 2009.

From the first of june, Combiteq is officially moved to a new location and wishes you welcome.

New visitor address is: Os Alle 9, 1777 Halden, Norway

Postal address: P.O. Box 112, 1751 Halden, Norway

See Help -> Contact for map.


May 2009.

Combiteq has launched its new website. The new lay-out and design is made by Combiteq. The website is part of a new line with marketing material. Simple but powerful Quality design with easy navigation. Despite our effort we are more then willing to hear what you think.


August 2008

Combiteq is opened! With exitement and great pleasure we want to welcome all of you to our newly started firm ! In urgent need of, for example, engineering or project management tasks, we are here to help you out.


Project anlyses and risk analysis. Reduce risk on production losses and injuries. Project analysis for your projects to reduce risk on major costs and run projects with limited manpower.

Welcome to Combiteq AS Norway - Project Services and Technical Consultancy - Products & Services within Project Management , Project Engineering , Project Execution and Test & Measurement

Welcome to Combiteq AS Norway - Project Services and Technical Consultancy - Products & Services within Project Management , Project Engineering , Project Execution and Test & Measurement

Welcome to Combiteq AS Norway - Project Services and Technical Consultancy - Products & Services within Project Management , Project Engineering , Project Execution and Test & Measurement

Welkom bij Combiteq AS Norway - Project Services and Technical Consultancy - Products & Services binnen Project Management , Project Engineering , Project Execution and Test & Measurement

Willkommen bei Combiteq AS Norway - Professional Technical Consultancy - Wir bieten projekt produkte und dienstleistung - Projekt Management , Projekt Engineering , Projekt Ausführung und Test & Messung.

Velkommen til Combiteq AS Norway - Project Services and Technical Consultancy - Produkter & Tjenester i Prosjektledelse / Management , Prosjekt Engineering , Prosjekt Gjennomføring og Test & Måling.

Velkommen til Combiteq AS Norway - Project Services and Technical Consultancy - Produkter & Tjenester i Prosjektledelse / Management , Prosjekt Engineering , Prosjekt Gjennomføring og Test & Måling.

Velkommen til Combiteq AS Norway - Project Services and Technical Consultancy - Produkter & Tjenester i Prosjektledelse / Management , Prosjekt Engineering , Prosjekt Gjennomføring og Test & Måling.